Venue - Sidmouth Golf Club
Cotmaton Road
Sidmouth EX10 8SX
Price- £10.00 per person
Join us for a fun social evening at Sidmouth Golf Club.
Finger buffet included.
Great raffle prizes and drinks will be available at the bar.
Bring a team or join others on the night.
There is plenty of parking.
To Book your place:
Pay direct into the Sid Valley Account- sort code: 30-97-77 Account: 18873068
Please ensure that your name and Quiz is on the payment to identify you.
Can you also please send an email to Sheila Kerridge to let her know the details of your booking.
For those who don’t have internet banking please email/ phone Sheila and make your booking.
Sheila Kerridge, Sid Valley Conservatives,
Email- [email protected]
Phone -01395 516514